Ivory Wolfcannot build WinForms app with linux dockerEphemeral agents (basically Docker containers with all your build dependencies that can consume code and generate artifacts for a CI/CD…Jul 11, 2021Jul 11, 2021
Ivory Wolfwindows node development without installing node — docker vs. wslI’m early in my node.js journey and was intrigued to sell how things would go if I were to take a docker-centric approach — besides I…Jan 18, 2021Jan 18, 2021
Ivory Wolfdockerise the asp.net core example application.New to Docker? Got it installed and want to run an asp.net core application from a container.Dec 30, 2020Dec 30, 2020
Ivory Wolfcreate a GitLab repo remotely from existing codeSo, have you been noodling and want to send that code somewhere safe?Dec 30, 2020Dec 30, 2020
Ivory WolfI’ve used the ubiquitous Log4Net for as long as I can remember.Fast forward to .net core and a whole raft of new featured that came as part of it, IOC, JSON, Configuration… Logging!Sep 7, 20201Sep 7, 20201
Ivory Wolf.net core configuration tutorialAdding configuration to a .net core console application.Aug 16, 2020Aug 16, 2020
Ivory Wolf.net core from scratch — iocTutorial example to show how to add and use the ioc container that comes with .net core and asp.net core in a console application.Aug 15, 2020Aug 15, 2020